$555.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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I (client) consent to receiving therapeutic coaching sessions from Coach Natalie Syrmopoulos at Evolving With Natalie.

  • I understand that the private information shared by the client during the group/individual coaching sessions is confidential. Evolving with Natalie will not voluntarily communicate the client’s information to a third party. In order to honour and protect the coaches’ intellectual property, the client likewise agrees not to disclose or communicate or sell information about the coach's practice, materials, or methods to any third parties.
  • I understand I have the right to participate in or decline any or all proposed services.
  • I understand that this service is not suitable for me if I struggle with suicidal thoughts or severe depression and I need to seek medical help for my condition. This service is suitable in conjunction with the medical help I receive for my depression.
  • I understand this service is not a substitute for any medication I may be taking for my mental or physical health condition.
  • I understand if I choose to stop any medication for my mental or physical health, that will be at my own risk.
  • I understand this is not a medical program but a program I can use in conjunction to any medical/healthcare services I’m receiving at this time.
  • I understand that to see results during my participation in the coaching I will need to commit to consistently and daily practicing the techniques discussed during the sessions. I understand that the results will vary depending on my commitment and dedication to practicing the techniques daily.
  • I understand I will be responsible for completing my journal and my daily homework.
  • I understand Evolving with Natalie reserves the right to terminate services with the client if the client acts inappropriately during the coaching session (inappropriate behaviours include bullying, harassment, hostility and inappropriate sexual behaviours) towards the coach or other members present during the session.


  • I understand that the coaching sessions will teach me techniques that will transform my life.
  • I understand that to see the results I will need to practice the techniques on a daily basis outside of the sessions.
  • I understand I will be responsible for completing my journal and homework.

I have read the above authorization(s) and indicated my consent by checking the appropriate box. My consent is valid unless and until I withdraw it in the manner set out in this consent form.

Transformational Parenting Bundle

I help parents go from surviving to THRIVING.

I get it! Parenting is a full time job, but trust me, it can be done with EASE (yes, even if you have a strong-willed kid)!

If you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, tired of repeating and not making consistent progress - you're in the right place.

You can create the family dynamic you've always envisioned - and it's EASY to do with the right support!

This all-encompassing bundle was created for families who really want a long-lasting change and transformation!


This is for you if you want to:
- have a calm, peaceful and enjoyable family life
- feel connected and heard
- have kids who listen and cooperate
- prioritize the well-being of you and your family
- boost confidence for you and your child(ren) 

Welcome to the All-Encompassing, 4 Month Bundle that will help you Transform your Family Dynamic with EASE. 


Here's what you'll get:

  • 6 Consecutive Sessions for you, the parent(s)
    • $1,200 Value
  • 4 Sessions for your child(ren)
    • $400 Value
  • Access to the Empower Your Parenting Online Program
    • $249 Value
  • Weekly Live Group Coaching Sessions (2 consecutive months of The Village Community)
    • $200 Value
  • Evolving Humanity Summit Access
    • $100 Value
  • Audio Meditations & Visualizations for Daily Use
    • $49 Value  

Total Value $2,869

Savings of $700.00

The time is now!
Make 2024 your best parenting year yet!

What People Are Saying:

Natalie has become a go-to resource in helping to bolster my parenting and build confidence in my toddler. Transition following a family vacation and the start of preschool sparked some separation anxiety. Natalie was instrumental in helping my son adjust to all things news, arming me with tools and techniques that resonated quickly and effectively. I continue to go to her as things pop up, and she's a brilliant confidant. I couldn't recommend her more.

Amanda S.

We love working with Natalie, it has helped make such a difference for my family. My son was often anxious, fearful of us not being around, and had difficulty going to sleep. Since working with Natalie, he doesn't have the same intrusive thoughts, he is speaking up for himself and making decisions with more confidence. She also supported me in creating a calm, peaceful and cooperative dynamic with his dad. We truly are helping our son to be the best version of himself during these wonderful but also very trying teen years.

Christiane S.

Working with Natalie really helped change the way I approach situations with my gladiator child. She helped explain the why behind my child’s behavior and gave me use approaches that actually worked. Since working with her, I'm much better at staying calm and keeping perspective and we have definitely seen a shift in our child’s behavior. Thank you Natalie!

Natasha B.